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Welcome to the .netPlus - a collection of programming (mostly .NET) related stuff produced by me, Mattias Sjögren. Comments and questions can be sent to me at mattias@mvps.org. Enjoy!


What's New

This site is now hosted by Veign. Hopefully that solves the availability problems that some have reported with my old webhost.

Sorry for the lack of updates. Any day now. Seriously :-)

I posted an updated version of the GacTool sample, which now has its own dedicated page here.

Wow. I know I suck at updating this site, but I never imagined that it would take almost a year. I'm terribly sorry for that. I've made some small updates now, and hopefully more will come soon.

The swedish section of this site is gone. I didn't have time to maintain two copies of the same content.

I launched a new site about .NET interoperability a while ago. If you're interested in that, go visit N/Direct at www.dotnetinterop.com.

The assembly cache viewer VS.NET add-in doesn't install properly with VS.NET 2003. I added some instruction to that page on how to get it working.

A new tool, ThemeMe, added to the tools page. Updated the IdentityHashCodeProvider sample with a C++ alternative.



Microsoft Most Valuable Professional

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer





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